blacktail deer การใช้
- In fact Everts was actually rescued much farther north near Blacktail Deer Creek.
- In a gentle rain, I watched several blacktail deer sift into the forest.
- The party used the fork over Blacktail Deer Creek Plateau to the head of Rescue Creek.
- It is estimated that the South Thormanby Island has a population of approximately 300 coast blacktail deer.
- There's four or five thousand elk, blacktail deer, too many black bear to count.
- Blacktail Deer Creek drains the southwest portion of the range and the Blacktail Mountains lie to the southwest.
- Sharing the habitat are black bears, mountain lions, blacktail deer, turtles and raccoons, among other wildlife.
- The area's flora and fauna include manzanita, oak and pine trees, blacktail deer, Adobe lily grow here.
- Similar to the elk, blacktail deer winter in lowlands, or along south-facing ridges, and summer in the high country meadows.
- Newfield talks about enjoying " wild hog roasts and big, warm fires " in addition to hunting blacktail deer near her home in Northern California.
- "We want to control their numbers so they don't continue to spread and they don't outcompete native blacktail deer ."
- There are also blacktail deer, wild boar, coyote and fox that will occasionally be spotted by visitors, 19 varieties of raptors, featuring owls and hawks.
- On August 7 8, 1863 a group of 28 prospectors embarked from the mouth of Blacktail Deer Creek to prospect for gold in the upper Snake River in Idaho Territory.
- Blacktail deer ( " Odocoileus hemionus columbianus " ) prefer drier areas than elk, such as the dry western hemlock, Douglas-fir, and subalpine fir zones.
- Initially designed as a varmint round, it may be used for wildlife and game such as coyote, blacktail deer, whitetail deer, mule deer, pronghorn, and . 308 cartridge case.
- What the Park Service is doing, explained park superintendent Don Neubacher, is " continuing a culling program " to stabilize the non-native deer populations stable at about 700 animals and keep them from overrunning native blacktail deer.
- In Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, scat samples showed raccoons to make up 28 % of the cougar's diet, harbor seals and blacktail deer 24 % each, North American river otters 10 %, California sea lion 7 %, and American mink 4 %; the remaining 3 % were unidentified.